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Research Data Services
Effectively managing your research data can increase the pace of the research process, contribute to the soundness of research results, help meet funder requirements, and make research easy to share and discover.
View Resource »Greenhouse Studios
Greenhouse Studios | Scholarly Communications Design at the University of Connecticut solves the problems and explores the opportunities of scholarship in the “digital age.” A transdisciplinary collective, Greenhouse Studios reframes the practices, pathways and products of scholarly communications through design-based, inquiry-driven, collaboration-first approaches to the creation and expression of knowledge.
View Resource »Archives & Special Collections
Archives & Special Collections (ASC) houses rare books, manuscripts, the university’s archives, and other materials that need special care and housing. ASC is open to the public.
View Resource »Murine Behavioral Neurogenetics Facility (MBNF)
The Murine Behavioral Neurogenetics Facility (MBNF) provides phenotyping services for engineered mouse models, and/or other mouse models (immunologic, environmental) with human clinical relevance. The mission of the MBNF is to use behavioral assessments to screen genetically modified or otherwise manipulated mice; to aid in development of mouse models of human cognitive function and/or clinical disorders (this may include new task development); and to promote inter-disciplinary projects on and across campuses.
View Resource »In Vivo Imaging System (IVIS)
This facility houses an IVIS SpectrumCT, an integrative platform that combines the full suite of IVIS optical features including Spectral Unmixing, 2D and 3D quantitative bioluminescence and fluorescence with fast and low dose CT imaging.
View Resource »Center for Applied Research in Human Development (CARHD)
The Center for Applied Research in Human Development enables the development and application of interventions intended to improve quality of life for individuals, families, and communities. In particular, we aim to improve outcomes for sociodemographically marginalized populations by informing and evaluating interventions intended for public benefit; we do this by developing relationships with local agencies and assisting with the development, delivery, and evaluation of human service programs.
View Resource »Brain Imaging Research Center (BIRC)
The UConn Brain Imaging Research Center (BIRC) houses a 3 Tesla Siemens Prisma MRI scanner alongside equipment for collecting data with high-density EEG systems, eye tracking, and a Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) system. The Center facilitates scientific discovery and theoretical innovation in cognitive neuroscience and other fields by providing access to state-of-the-art equipment and methods and technical and scientific training.
View Resource »Center for Advancement in Managing Pain (CAMP)
With the overarching goal of advancing and generating new knowledge of pain mechanisms and improving the delivery of safe and effective methods to promote pain relief across populations and settings, the Center for Advancement of Managing Pain (CAMP) provides a collaborative infrastructure for pain management professional and academic researchers from across disciplines to establish translational programs of research, implement interdisciplinary pain education, and develop innovative approaches for advancing the practice of precision pain management
View Resource »BioBehavioral Lab
The BioBehavorial Lab is committed to supporting and promoting faculty and students’ research in the use of biobehavioral measures and physiological, genetic, and genomic approach. This lab offers the ability to collect samples (e.g., blood, saliva samples, buccal swabs), store, extract DNA, and run assays such as ELISAs to quantify hormone/cytokine levels in human or animal samples.
View Resource »Connecticut Cybersecurity Center (C3)
The Connecticut Cybersecurity Center (C3) leverages the synergies existing in CHASE, CSI, and VoTeR to investigate, develop, promote, and nurture the best hardware and software based security practices for indispensible defense and commercial (e.g., insurance, telecommunications) application domains and, in particular, for emerging fields such as mobile device security.
View Resource »Center for Clean Engineering (C2E2)
The Center for Clean Energy Engineering (C2E2) is a multi-disciplinary research center that provides leadership in education, research and innovation of clean and efficient energy systems. C2E2 has assembled advanced energy materials and testing capabilities to support research ranging from energy conversion to fuels to power management. These capabilities are currently being provided to the UConn faculty and students to support ongoing research in all facets of energy and energy related research.
View Resource »X-ray Techniques
The X-Ray Diffraction and Scattering facility includes high speed powder diffractometers, a small angle x-ray scattering system, and area detector systems for 2-dimensional diffraction measurements.
View Resource »Thermal Analysis
Thermal Analysis determines the physical or chemical properties of a substance as it is heated, cooled, or held at a constant temperature. Solid state chemistry uses thermal analysis for studying reactions in the solid state, thermal degradation reactions, phase transitions and phase diagrams. Potential applications span a wide range of fields including oxidation stability, safety, drug analysis, sample purity, food science, polymers, and metals.
View Resource »Surface Analysis
Surface Analysis provides chemical element and bonding information of substance from nanometer scale of surface and near surface for various materials. In addition, depth profiling, elemental image mapping, and micro-area analysis extend the capabilities of many of these techniques.
View Resource »Polymer Processing
Polymer Processing capabilities are ideal for research such as testing of new additives and the development of new formulations and development of small scale production.
View Resource »Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (NMR) determines the physical and chemical properties of atoms or the molecules in which they are contained and can provide detailed information about the structure, dynamics, reaction state, and chemical environment of molecules.
View Resource »Atomic Force Microscopy
The Nano-Measurements facility uses atomic force microscopy (AFM) and related techniques to look at surfaces of materials. High speed experiments are a unique features of these studies.
View Resource »Mechanical Testing
Mechanical Testing determines whether a material or part is suitable for its intended application by measuring properties such as elasticity, tensile strength, elongation, hardness, fracture toughness, impact resistance, stress rupture and the fatigue limit.
View Resource »High Field Characterization
High Field Characterization of the electrical properties for insulating materials used in electrical apparatus includes distribution and transmission networks, rotating machinery component, electrostatic/electro-responsive devices, and capacitive energy storages.
View Resource »Molecular Weight
Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) separates a sample based on size. This technique is often used to analyze polymers to understand and predict polymer performance.
View Resource »Center for Advanced Microscopy and Materials Analysis
Gas Chromatography/ Mass Spectroscopy (GC/MS) is a technique for the analysis and quantitation of organic volatile and semi-volatile compounds. GC is used to separates mixtures into individual components and the MS then detects what each of the components in the sample.
View Resource »Electrical Insulation Research Center
The Electrical Insulation Research Center has extensive facilities for characterizing the electrical properties of insulating materials used in electrical apparatus including distribution and transmission networks, rotating machinery component, electrostatic/electro-responsive devices, and capacitive energy storages.
View Resource »Computational Biology Core (CBC)
Computational Biology Core is striving to provide researchers with access to appropriate computational resources, as well as educate and train them on the use of bioinformatics software. The consultation service is available to faculty and students within the University system at no cost. The core also provides data analysis services at reasonable rates to both internal and external customers.
View Resource »Center for Genome Innovation (CGI)
The Center for Genome Innovation (CGI) provides state-of-the-art expertise in genome technologies like Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) and microfluidics platforms for single cell genomic analysis while facilitating genomics research at UConn.
View Resource »InCHIP IT Support
InCHIP Advanced Storage Solutions and InCHIP IT’s mission is to provide specialized technical excellence and the core competencies to work closely and collaboratively with InCHIP researchers to perform the type of IT-intensive, cutting-edge, health behavior and health behavior change research which is InCHIP’s hallmark.
View Resource »X-Ray Lab
The X-Ray Lab
View Resource »Thermo Fisher Scientific Center for Advanced Microscopy and Materials Analysis (CAMMA)
The Thermo Fisher Scientific Center for Advanced Microscopy and Materials Analysis (CAMMA) is one of the world’s foremost facilities for electron microscopy. Its microscopy instruments include the Titan Themis for sub-angstrom analysis of materials and the Talos 200 S/TEM for simultaneous quantitative enery dispersive spectroscopy and analysis to uncover chemical composition of materials. This equipment is available for collaborative research with industry partners including applications for clean energy materials and the testing of additively-manufactured components such as those found in medical devices and polymeric materials for biomedical applications.
View Resource »Reverse Engineering Fabrication Inspection and Non-Destructive Evaluation (REFINE)
REFINE is envisioned to be a world-class lab in areas of Reverse Engineering, Fabrication, Inspection and Non-destructive evaluation. REFINE houses a suite of state-of-the-art equipment such X-ray Microscopes, Focus Ion Beams and Scanning Electron Microscopes, Optical and Digital Microscopes, Probe Station and Failure Analysis tools and Circuit Edit and Debugging tools.
View Resource »Proof of Concept Center (POCC)
The Proof of Concept Center comprises 1,320 square feet of wet/dry lab space and houses state of the art prototyping and fabrication equipment that facilitate development of fully functional prototypes for a wide range of industries.
View Resource »Pratt & Whitney Additive Manufacturing Center (PW AMC)
The Pratt & Whitney Additive Manufacturing Center, a partnership with Pratt & Whitney, uses advanced powder bed manufacturing technologies and high-powered electron beams and lasers to repeatedly melt fine layers of powdered metals like titanium into one solid integrated piece. This layer-by-layer “additive” process allows for the creation of extremely complex three-dimensional objects without the constraints of the traditional manufacturing process.
View Resource »Research IT Services
ITS provides services to the UConn research community to assist in facilitating and implements information technologies. This is accomplished by identifying systems, services, and capabilities that will have a substantive impact on the community and delivering them robustly and at scale.
View Resource »UConn Software Catalog
UITS provides software available to download to students, faculty, and staff, as well as computer labs.
View Resource »Bioscience Electron Microscopy Laboratory
The Bioscience Electron Microscopy Laboratory provides service, training and facilities required to carry out electron microscopy (EM) of a variety of biological and non-biological samples.
View Resource »Metabolic Phenotyping Facility
The Metabolic Phenotyping Facility has capacities to assess cell and mouse bioenergetics, mouse body composition, and blood lipids, cytokines, and others.
View Resource »Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
The Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility recognizes the important role that NMR plays in molecular structure determination and conformational analysis for research projects engaging chemical synthesis, chemical mixture characterization, drug design, and intermolecular interaction studies. The Department of Chemistry’s NMR Facility serves the high-resolution research needs for investigators from the University of Connecticut, nearby colleges, and companies and offers several solution-state NMR instruments on a fee-for-use basis.
View Resource »Laboratory of Mass Spectrometry and Omics Analysis
The Laboratory of Mass Spectrometry and Omics Analysis offers six mass spectrometers. The facility also provides a wide variety of analytical services.
View Resource »Soil Nutrient Analysis Lab (SNAL)
The Soil Nutrient Analysis Lab (SNAL) offers routine soil fertility testing to gardeners, farmers and growers. This analysis includes soil pH, major and minor plant nutrients and lead. Soils can also be tested for the percent organic matter, soil texture and soluble salts. The lab also offers saturated media testing for greenhouse soils and plant tissue analysis. Researchers should contact the lab prior to submitting samples.
View Resource »Plant Diagnostic Laboratory
The UConn Plant Diagnostic Laboratory diagnoses plant problems including diseases, insect pests and abiotic causes. Special services offered through the diagnostic lab include extraction and quantification of plant parasitic nematodes from soil or plant material and ELISA testing for plant viruses and other pathogens.
View Resource »Connecticut Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (CVMDL)
The Connecticut Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (CVMDL) provides veterinary diagnostic laboratory services and professional expertise, and collaborates with state and federal agencies to detect and monitor diseases important to animal and human health and detect newly emerging diseases. CVMDL strives to develop new approaches to disease identification, investigation, prevention and to contribute to the education of graduate, undergraduate, and post-doctoral students (including veterinarians) seeking advanced training in disease related studies.
View Resource »Sampling Division
In support of experimental research, CESE applies the latest approaches to environmental monitoring and assessment for subsurface, atmospheric, and water quality studies.
View Resource »Organics Division
The Organics Division identifies and quantifies trace organic compounds in water, soil, sediment, and tissue at the part-per-billion (ppb) level using EPA, NOAA, and Center developed methods. CESE’s most recent instrument acquisition is a Waters Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatograph with a Tandem Mass Spectrometer (UPLC/MS/MS).
View Resource »Nutrients Division
The Nutrients Division determines concentrations of nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, silica, and carbon constituents in fresh, brackish, and saline water samples, as well as in solid matrices, including air filters. CESE’s most recent instrument acquisitions include a Lachat QuikChem 8500 and the Shimadzu TOC-L total organic carbon analyzer.
View Resource »Metals Division
The Metals Division analyzes trace elements in water, soil/sediment, tissue, and filters at the part-per-billion (ppb) level, using EPA, NOAA, and in-house methods,. This laboratory also houses an advanced mercury analytical facility that includes two atomic fluorescence systems, including one with mercury speciation capabilities, contained within a clean room.
View Resource »Business Services
The Business Office manages grants for researchers from academic departments across the University of Connecticut. CESE staff assists with the preparation of proposals, including budgets and other required documents, to ensure a smooth proposal review by the Office for Sponsored Programs (OSP) and a timely submission to the sponsor. Staff also works with OSP to answer questions and help resolve issues that arise during the review.
View Resource »Biofuels Division
CESE tests and certifies biofuel for commercial use in CT and the Northeast. This facility provides researchers, producers, distributors, and retailers with valid and certified testing services, using ASTM and EN protocols.
View Resource »Microbial Analysis, Resources, and Services (MARS)
The Microbial Analysis, Resources and Services (MARS) facility supports research specializing in the analysis of microbial samples and high-throughput processing of nucleic acids. Examples include the characterization of microbiomes, sequencing of small genomes, 96-well and 384-well PCR setup or DNA quantification and other automated liquid handling applications.
View Resource »Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
The Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility recognizes the important role that NMR plays in molecular structure determination and conformational analysis for research projects engaging chemical synthesis, chemical mixture characterization, drug design, intermolecular interaction studies, protein and nucleic acid characterization. The joint NMR Facility of COR²E and the Department of Chemistry offers several solution-state NMR instruments on a fee-for-use basis. The instrumentation serves the high-resolution research needs for investigators from the University of Connecticut and nearby colleges and companies.
View Resource »Proteomics & Metabolomics
The Proteomics & Metabolomics Facility implements ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) coupled to high resolution mass spectrometry (MS) to unambiguously identify proteins, peptides and small molecules in complex mixtures.
View Resource »Digital Experience Group
The Digital Experience Group (DXG) offers UX Design, Web Development, App Development, Web Design, and other digital innovation in support of Research at UConn. Primarily staffed by student designers, developers, and writers, the DXG also strives to serve as a source of experiential learning, utilizing industry-leading approaches to UX, agile software development, and product design.
In addition to providing services to PIs and other research centers at UConn, the DXG contains the specialized Squared Labs team, which provides web development and digital services in support of the University’s research infrastructure.
View Resource »Statistical Consulting Services (SCS)
The Statistical Consulting Services (SCS) provides advice on statistical problems arising in the preparation of studies, the analysis of data and the interpretation of results. It provides a center for discussion on research problems and methodological advances in statistics and probability.
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