UConn Health All Resources
Research Histology Core
The UConn Health Research Histology Core is a fee-for-service facility dedicated to providing histology support for research investigators.
View Resource »NMR Structural Biology & Biophysical Core Facility
The NMR Facility provides an environment for studying the structure, dynamics, folding, and interactions of biological macromolecules. The Biophysical Core Facility provides state-of-the-art instruments for protein characterization including circular dichroism, surface plasmon resonance , isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) , and fluorescence spectroscopy.
View Resource »Molecular Core Facility
The Molecular Core Facility is a UConn Health-supported core which incldudes a reagent store, ABI 7900 qPCR instrument and TaqMan arrays for quantitative RT-PCR, automated DNA sequencers, oligonucleotide synthesizers, a phosphorimager, and digital camera systems for photographing and analyzing gels.
View Resource »CCAM Microscopy User Facility
CCAM Microscopy User Facility The Center for Cell Analysis and Modeling (CCAM) Microscopy User Facility provides the UConn research community and other academic and industrial institutes, access to its state-of-the-art equipment for quantitative fluorescence imaging applications. The facility offers access to high end confocal microscopes, one integrated with a two-photon laser, and a light sheet microscope…
View Resource »MicroCT Imaging Facility
The UConn Health MicroCT Imaging Facility provides core services of 3D imaging and quantitation. High-resolution X-ray computed microtomography (microCT) is available for excised specimens or live rodents. Calibrated to bone mineral phantoms, accurate measures of bone architecture and density can be obtained using our catalog of standard and custom algorithms.
View Resource »Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell and Chromosome Core (iPSCC)
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell and Chromosome Core (iPSCC) Established in 2006, the University of Connecticut (UConn) Stem Cell Core has substantially contributed to the Connecticut stem cell initiative by providing a central source of technologies and materials for research on human pluripotent stem cells: embryonic stem cells (hESC) and induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC). The…
View Resource »Cell and Genome Engineering Core
Cell and Genome Engineering Core The University of Connecticut (UConn) Cell and Genome Engineering Core has substantially contributed to Stem Cell Research conducted in Connecticut and beyond by providing a central source of technologies and materials for research on human pluripotent stem cells: embryonic stem cells (hESC) and induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC). The Genome…
View Resource »High Performance Computing (HPC)
The UConn Health High Performance Computing Facility provides a variety of high performance computing, cloud computing and customized servers and services. The facility provides free access to over 60 TeraFLOPS of compute power, 3,000 processor cores and over 2 PB of storage housed in a secure, state of the art data center supported by a dedicated staff of professionals.
View Resource »Flow Cytometry
The UConn Health Flow Cytometry Facility provides flow cytometric analysis and cell sorting services to all UConn researchers as well as researchers at neighboring institutions. The facility provides researchers with the ability to perform both multi-parameter analysis and sorting of cell populations into phenotypic, biochemical, and molecular subsets, based on a variety of characteristics including size and shape and fluorescence derived from antibody-tagging or expression of fluorescent molecules. Computer workstations are available for data analysis.
View Resource »Central Electron Microscopy Facility (CEMF)
The Central Electron Microscope Facility (CEMF) is a UConn Health-supported research facility providing electron microscopy research service for faculty, students, and extramural users. The CEMF has three electron microscopes equipped with digital imaging capabilities available for use by experienced faculty or students.
View Resource »Center for Mouse Genome Modification (CMGM)
The Center for Mouse Genome Modification (CMGM) at UConn Health provides design and generation of genetically modified mice and other services.
View Resource »Health Disparities Institute
The Health Disparities Institute works for UConn Health to develop as a leader in health equity, creating a collaborative environment that brings together different perspectives to look at root causes and potential solutions to health disparities.
View Resource »Bonebase
At Bonebase, we are interested in understanding how skeletal architecture and composition as related to genomes, phenotypes, disease, and the healthcare system.
View Resource »Virtual Cell
The Virtual Cell (VCell) is a unique computational environment for modeling and simulation of cell biology. It has been specifically designed to be a tool for a wide range of scientists, from experiment cell biologists to theoretical biophysicists. The creation of biological or mathematical models can range from the simple, to evaluate hypotheses or to interpret experimental data, to complex multi-layered models used to probe the predicted behavior of complex, highly non-linear systems. VCell is developed by the National Resource for Cell Analysis and Modeling, supported by NIGMS.
View Resource »Stem Cell Core
Established in 2006, the University of Connecticut (UConn) Stem Cell Core has substantially contributed to the Connecticut stem cell initiative by providing a central source of technologies and materials for research on human pluripotent stem cells: embryonic stem cells (hESC) and induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC). The Stem Cell Core is a collaborative effort. Genome Editing, The Cell Bank, and Pluripotent Stem Cell Reprogramming are currently located at the UConn Health campus in Farmington. The Genetics and Genomics Division, including the Chromosome Core, is located at UConn Storrs campus. Single Cell Genomics is based at the Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine in Farmington. The UConn Stem Cell Core is funded by UConn and Connecticut State Stem Cell Research Program. With these crucial services, many Connecticut researchers have developed novel approaches to addressing fundamental biological questions and tackling deleterious diseases.
View Resource »Research Tissue Repository Core Facility
The UConn Health Research Biorepository consists of de-identified tissue and/or blood samples and patient data obtained from consented patients coupled with a database of clinical and laboratory data. De-identified samples are available to researchers. Our goal is to develop a comprehensive resource that will procure, characterize and distribute high quality human specimens according to rigid protocols and ethical guidelines.
View Resource »Laser Capture Microdissection (LCM) Core
Laser Capture Microdissection (LCM) is a technique used to lift specifically targeted kind of tissues or cells from a histological section, leaving behind unwanted tissues or cells that could contaminate the molecular purity of subsequent analysis. The UConn Health Laser Capture Microdissection (LCM) Facility house three LCM machines and provides LCM technique training and service to all UConn researchers and external institutions. RNA and DNA can be recovered by dissecting fresh and fixed frozen or paraffin sections for molecular analysis.
View Resource »Center for Comparative Medicine
The Center for Comparative Medicine (CCM) is committed to ensure humane and ethical care and use of animals involved in approved research to advance medical, biomedical and veterinary knowledge for the benefit of all. The CCM is an AAALAC International accredited facility and provides quality animal care.
View Resource »Recruitment and Community Engagement Research Core
The Center On Aging (COA) Recruitment and Community Engagement Research Core (RCERC) provides expertise in design and development of recruitment plans and implementation of multidisciplinary complex research projects in geriatrics, endocrinology, immunology, oncology, cardiology, and psychiatry. The RCERC provides guidance and management to principal investigators and collaborating/partner investigators, agencies, companies, and healthcare entities. The Core partners with UConn’s Health Disparities Institute to ensure research includes and asks questions relevant to communities of color and/or communities most vulnerable to adverse health effects, and to strengthen culturally sensitive approaches in all phases. The RCERC also provides regulatory services (e.g., IRB application support) and helps investigators with PHS Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information grant sections and IRB protocol development.
View Resource »Evaluation and Population Assessment Research Core
The Evaluation and Population Assessment Research Core conducts surveys and needs assessments related to health, disability, services, and quality of life. Expertise exists to evaluate the effectiveness of public policies and programs involving older adults, families, and providers.
View Resource »Clinical Data and Geriatric Outcomes Research Core
The Clinical Data and Geriatric Outcomes Research Core provides help in the selection, performance and interpretation of geriatric outcome and performance measures, while also assisting with data collection, management and analysis. Content expertise is available to aid in the selection and interpretation of measures evaluating gait, mobility, affect, cognition, behavior, voiding symptoms, incontinence, body composition, bone density and self-reported quality of life.
View Resource »Biomarkers and Preclinical Models Research Core
The Biomarkers and Preclinical Models Research Core assists investigators wishing to add biomarkers to geriatric research studies. It also develops and maintains mouse models needed for preclinical testing of interventions targeting specific geriatric conditions.
View Resource »Gateway Design Laboratory
The Gateway Design Laboratory is a resource for new and established investigators to move mission-relevant ideas from conceptualization to funding with the assistance of experienced senior advisors.
View Resource »Clinical Research Ethics Core (CRE)
The Clinical Research Ethics Core (CRE) or Research Ethics Office (REO) is available to provide advice to scientists and the wider UConn community on the design, conduct, translation, and dissemination of research so as to help identify and incorporate a strong ethical sensibility into every aspect of translational research.
View Resource »JAX-UConn Single Cell Genomics Center
The Jackson Laboratory Single Cell Biology Laboratory develops and offers single cell capabilities to UConn investigators. The Single Cell Genomics Center works closely with the JAX-GM Flow Cytometry and JAX-GM Genome Technologies in implementing single cell workflows from tissue sample to sequence and assists in the implementation of single cell-specific bioinformatics workflows with JAX-GM Computational Sciences.
View Resource »Center for Genome Innovation (CGI)
The Center for Genome Innovation (CGI) provides state-of-the-art expertise in genome technologies like Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) and microfluidics platforms for single cell genomic analysis while facilitating genomics research at UConn.
View Resource »Metabolic Phenotyping Facility
The Metabolic Phenotyping Facility has capacities to assess cell and mouse bioenergetics, mouse body composition, and blood lipids, cytokines, and others.
View Resource »Research Informatics Core
The Research Informatics Core has provided investigators with expertise and resources related to database management through cutting-edge technology and special applications. It enables new investigators who are without access to sophisticated computer capabilities and/or personnel to devise an efficient, integrated data management system in anticipation of data collection. The availability of knowledgeable informatics staff greatly facilitates data management for these individuals.
View Resource »Clinical Core
The Clinical Research Center (CRC) provides support across the full spectrum of patient-oriented research and is the cornerstone for clinical research at UConn Health. Our staff can provide investigators with the resources they need and help make it easier to get and stay engaged in research. CRC support is available to all UConn Health researchers who have a need for CRC resources and who will conduct clinical research of scientific merit. Examples of what the CRC Clinical Core can provide are as follows: assistance with preparing IRB submissions, screening and recruitment, conducting study visits, sample processing/storage/shipping, investigational drug administration and informatics. Studies funded by federal sources, foundations, industry and other sources are welcome. CRC collaborates with UConn Health’s Office of Clinical and Translational Research (OCTR) to navigate the intricacies of budget and contract negotiations as well as the complexities of research financial compliance. Investigators are encouraged to contact the Clinical Core Nurse Manager to discuss the process for requesting CRC resources and the particular needs of their study. The CRC is dedicated to continuing to foster and optimize clinical research at UConn Health.
View Resource »Administrative Core
The Administrative Core offers services to principal investigators with Clinical Research Center studies and to research subjects participating in those studies. The Administrative Core is available to assist investigators with the application process for CRC resources, schedule project initiation meetings, monitor resource usage, and maintain essential administrative records for the study and the institution.
View Resource »Dental Clinical Research Center (DCRC)
The Dental Clinical Research Center (DCRC) is a state-of-the-art center that supports oral health clinical research at UConn Health. The mission is to facilitate clinical research efforts of all faculty, as well as to encourage research collaborations among biomedical fields at UConn Health.
View Resource »Core Laboratory
The CRC Core Lab offers investigators access to reliable and validated assays of biological macromolecules. The lab focuses on measurements not typically available in the hospital’s clinical or reference laboratories.
View Resource »Digital Experience Group
The Digital Experience Group (DXG) offers UX Design, Web Development, App Development, Web Design, and other digital innovation in support of Research at UConn. Primarily staffed by student designers, developers, and writers, the DXG also strives to serve as a source of experiential learning, utilizing industry-leading approaches to UX, agile software development, and product design.
In addition to providing services to PIs and other research centers at UConn, the DXG contains the specialized Squared Labs team, which provides web development and digital services in support of the University’s research infrastructure.
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