
Looking for the Work Order Form?

The COR²E work order request form has a new location.

School of Nursing

There are 2 resources offered by this Center.

UConn’s School of Nursing has a timeless commitment to wellness and works to provide the exceptional education needed to succeed in this rapidly evolving profession. Its faculty members advance knowledge through excellence in scholarship and research as they work to remain abreast of the healthcare needs of the world’s diverse population.

Center for Advancement in Managing Pain (CAMP)

With the overarching goal of advancing and generating new knowledge of pain mechanisms and improving the delivery of safe and effective methods to promote pain relief across populations and settings, the Center for Advancement of Managing Pain (CAMP) provides a collaborative infrastructure for pain management professional and academic researchers from across disciplines to establish translational programs of research, implement interdisciplinary pain education, and develop innovative approaches for advancing the practice of precision pain management

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BioBehavioral Lab

The BioBehavorial Lab is committed to supporting and promoting faculty and students’ research in the use of biobehavioral measures and physiological, genetic, and genomic approach. This lab offers the ability to collect samples (e.g., blood, saliva samples, buccal swabs), store, extract DNA, and run assays such as ELISAs to quantify hormone/cytokine levels in human or animal samples.

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