High Field Characterization

Capri Price, Ph.D.
- capri.price@uconn.edu
- 860.486.5851

Daniela Morales Acosta, Ph.D.
- daniela.morales@uconn.edu
- 860.486.1824
Campus Address
Mailing Address
25 King Hill Road, Unit 3136
Storrs, CT 06269-3136

CHNS Analysis – Elementar vario MICRO Cube
The MICRO cube is capable of quantifying carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and sulfur. A fifth element may be quantified by difference. The instrument requires 0.03 mg of each element for detection. Therefore, for a two milligram sample, the detection limit is 1.5% by weight. The detection limit may be improved for certain samples by increasing the total sample weight.

Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) – Perkin Elmer AAnalyst 200
Samples are drawn into the instrument and nebulized into a flame atomizer. Elements are detected and quantified by measuring the absorption of a wavelength matched to the desired element(s).

Rigaku ZXS Primus IV XRF Spectrometer
The ZSX Primus IV is a wavelength dispersive XRF spectrometer for qualitative, semi-quantitative, and quantitative analysis of major and minor atomic elements. It is capable of detecting from Beryllium through Uranium, with concentrations at the ppm level, in a wide variety of sample types. It is a tube above system, equipped with a powerful 4 kW Rhodium X-ray tube for quick analysis, flow proportional and scintillation counters, and an automated sample changer for up to 48 samples. It allows mapping and multi-point analysis to detect elemental homogeneity, inclusions, and distribution.