Center for Genome Innovation (CGI)

Center for Genome Innovation (CGI)

The Center for Genome Innovation (CGI) provides state-of-the-art expertise in genome technologies like Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) and microfluidics platforms for single cell genomic analysis while facilitating genomics research at UConn.  The CGI offers a variety of laboratory training opportunities as well as sample QC, NextGen library preparation/sequencing and genotyping services. These services are available to UConn-affiliated researchers across all campuses and range from single run instrument access through full-service NextGen library preparation and sequencing.  All services are also available to external users and for-profit companies.

The CGI also offers laboratory-based workshops for a variety of NextGen sequencing applications, including RNA-Seq, amplicon sequencing and ChIP-Seq.  Free consultations are also available for experimental design, budgeting and troubleshooting.



Rachel O'Neill, Ph.D.

Director, Institute for Systems Genomics
Director, Center for Genome Innovation

ESB, Room 305A


Bo Reese, Ph.D.

Scientific Director, Center for Genome Innovation
ESB, Room 306E

Lisa LaBelle, M.S.

Research Assistant III
ESB, Room 309

Jonnelle Konow, M.S.

Research Assistant III
ESB, Room 309

Kristi Herlth

Research Assistant I
ESB, Room 309


Sequencing and Genome Analysis:

• Illumina NovaSeq 6000 (x1)
• Illumina MiSeq (x2)
• Illumina NextSeq 550 (x1)
• PacBio Sequel IIe
• PacBio Revio
• Oxford NanoPore MinION and PromethION

Solution-Phase, Real-Time and Digital PCR:

• ABI GeneAmp 9700 gold block thermocyclers
• BioRad C1000 Thermal Cyclers (deep well reaction modules)
• BioRad CFX96 Real-Time PCR machine (x2)
• QX200 Digital Droplet PCR Droplet Generator and Reader (BioRad)

Sample QC:

• Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer Automated Electrophoresis system
• Agilent 2200 and 4200 TapeStation Automated Electrophoresis system
• Thermo-Fisher NanoDrop 2000
• Agarose gel electrophoresis systems
• Turner Biosystems Picofluorometer
• Qubit 3.0 (various assays)

Nucleic Acid Manipulation:

• Digilab Hydroshear
• MP Biomedicals FastPrep 24 Sample Prep System
• Qiagen Tissuelyser II
• Covaris S2
• Sage Science Pippin Prep, PippinHT and Blue Pippin

Array Systems:

• Illumina NextSeq 550 (w/ Infinium Arrays for Human CytoSNP 850K and Methylation EPIC)

Single Cell Genomics:

• 10X Chromium System (10X Genomics; Single Cell Analysis and other applications)

Other Ancillary Equipment

• IKA UltraTurrax
• Allegra X-12R refrigerated centrifuge
• Benchmark Plate Shaker
• BioRad Gel Doc gel imaging system

Services & Rates


Fluidigm Single Cell RNA-Seq on the NextSeq 500


Laboratory Training

The CGI will hold hands-on, laboratory training for many applications, supported by the Center equipment and staff, including NextGen sequencing and Affymetrix genotyping. Individuals across all UCONN campuses are eligible to participate. All training fees go directly toward instrument maintenance, service contracts and reagents/consumables for training. Participants can bring a sample of their own for training if desired, allowing for participant data collection that can be used as proof of principle or preliminary data for grant submissions.


Illumina NextSeq 500 Library Preparation

  • TruSeq/EpiGnome Methyl-Seq Library Sample Prep (including Bisulfite conversion)
  • Stranded Total RNA Library Prep
  • Stranded mRNA Library Prep
  • DNA Nano Library Prep (Low Input)
  • Small RNA Library Prep

GS FLX+ Library Preparation

  • General Rapid Library Prep
  • Paired End Rapid Library Prep (3Kb)
  • cDNA Rapid Library Prep
  • Amplicon Library QC

Sanger Sequencing and Fragment Analysis

Samples for Sanger Sequencing and STR Fragment analysis can be submitted directly to the CGI (Beach Hall, room 201), or by using the DropBox service.  All submissions must be accompanied by completed online form submission found here.  For more information, see here.

Campus Address

Engineering Science Building
Storrs Campus

UConn Health

Mailing Address

67 North Eagleville Road
Storrs, CT 06269

400 Farmington Avenue
Famington, CT 06030


Engineering and Science Building, 3rd Floor