Center for Clean Engineering (C2E2)

Center for Clean Energy Engineering (C2E2)

Center for Clean Energy Engineering (C2E2) at the University of Connecticut is a multi-disciplinary research center focusing on education, research, and innovation in sustainable energy systems. By catalyzing the transformation of science-to-systems for a global "Sustainable Energy Economy," our faculty and students work together in partnership with federal, state, and industrial leaders to develop and accelerate cost-effective solutions to tackle global energy and environmental concerns.

Our Mission is to become a leader in transforming science to systems; bridging the gap from fossil fuels to 100% renewable energy and enabling the development of economical solutions for critical technical issues; and providing guidance and leadership in solving global societal issues ranging from sustainable energy to the environment.


General Contact



Stoyan Bliznakov

Associate Director

Huseyin Yer

Facility Scientist 3

Garry Barnes

Specialized Design Technician

Mark Biron

Specialized Design Technician


Campus Address

Depot Campus

Mailing Address

Center for Clean Energy Engineering
44 Weaver Rd., Unit 5233
Storrs, CT 06269-5233



FEI Quanta 250 FEG Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM)

This equipment is a very versatile, high resolution, low vacuum FEG SEM with extended low volume capabilities. In addition, this equipment has the unique capability that includes a 1000°C heating stage which allows samples to be heated while the user records in-situ morphological changes.


Bruker D8 Advance High Temperature X-Ray Diffractometer

This equipment is a state of the art x-ray diffraction system with high precision, two-circle goniometers with independent stepper motors and optical encoders. The goniometers are designed to operate either horizontally or vertically. In addition, the machine is equipped with a high temperature chamber that can operate to 1200 °C. This equipment is equipped with a LinxEye Detector that reduces run time and significantly aids with through put.

Equipment for Engineering of Advanced Nanomaterials and Catalysts

Reactive Spray Deposition Technology (RSDT) – 2 Systems for One-Step Fabrication of Large-Scale Electrodes and MEAs for Fuel Cells, Electrolyzers, and Batteries
 Easytube 3000, FirstNano, Chemical Vapor Deposition System
 Physical Vapor Deposition System
 Retsch PM 400 Planetary Ball Mill
 High Temperature Tube Type Furnaces - 8 units
 1700 Degree Bottom-Loaded Large Furnace

Testing Capabilities - Analytical Instruments

 Thermo Fisher Scientific ARL QUANT’X EDXRF Spectrometer
Nicolet iS10 FT-IR Spectrometer with both Transmission and ATR Capability
 Agilent 7890A(GC)/6890N (MS) Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer
 Shimadzu UV-VIS 2600 Spectrophotometer
 Nicolet Magna 560 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer
 Varian Inc. Micro GC
 Prolab Benchtop Mass Spectrometer
 Altimira Instruments “Benchcat” Catalyst Test System

Testing Capabilities - Microscopy

 FEI Quanta 250 FEG Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope
 Zeiss Smart Zoom 5 Automated Digital Microscope

Testing Capabilites - Thermal Analysis

• Netzsch STA 449 F3 Jupiter Simultaneous Thermal Analyzer -TGA and DSC
• Netzsch DSC 204HP High-Pressure Differential Scanning Calorimeter
 Shimadzu TGA 50H High Temperature Thermogravimetric Analyzer

Testing Capabilities - X-Ray Diffraction

 Bruker D5005 X-ray Diffractometer with High Temperature Stage

Testing Capabilities - Instruments for Surface Area and Pore Size Distribution Analysis

 Micromeritics ASAP 2020 Automatic Chemisorption BET Analyzer
 Micromeritics AutoPore IV Mercury Porosimeter
 Micromeretics Saturn DigiSizer II

Electrochemical Equipment - Potentiostates/Galvanostates with EIS Capabilities

Biologic VSP, Multi-channel Potentiostate/Galvanostate with EIS - 2 Units
 Biologic HSP1005, 100 A Booster with EIS Capability
Autolab PGSTAT302N, Ecochemie Potentiostat/Galvanostate, Equipped with the BA Bipotentiostat and Frequency Response Analyzer (FRA) Modules
Solartron 1287 Potentiostat/Galvanostate with 1260 Impedance Analyzer - 3 Units
 Solartron 20 A Booster
 Solartron ModuLab XM with FRA Module and 2 A booster
 Solartron 8-channel 1400 Cell Test System with 1470E FRA modules
 Pine Instrument Company Analytical Rotator - 2 Units
Rotating Ring Disk Holders and Electrodes, Pine Instrument – Pt, Au and Glassy Carbon Interchangeable Disks Electrodes

Electrochemical Equipment - Equipment for Assembly and Testing Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers

Scribner/ Teledyne Associates 850g/890, 100 W Fuel Cell Test Stands, 6 Stands
 50 Bar High-Pressure Fuel Cell Test Stand, developed at UConn
 Electrolyzer Test Stand, developed at UConn
 Arbin FCTS 50H, 50 W Multichannel Fuel Cell Test Stand
Advanced Measurements, Inc. 6 cell 50 W Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Test Stand
Avtron Mfg Avtron Freedom Portable 100 kW Load Bank with Data Collection Capability
 Systemic Automation Screen Printer
 Diablo D3163A, 5000A Real-time Gas Analyzer

Electrochemical Equipment - Equipment for Assembly and Testing Rechargeable Batteries

 Arbin Multi-Channel Battery Testers - 2 units with total of 36 channels